Tuesday, December 4, 2012

what will you do this Christmas?

will you wake up early for presents? have a big dinner with family and friends? will you be warm and content? There are children in orphanages around the world who will wake up hungry, cold, alone, unloved. There will be no presents. They own nothing. The one thing they want, you can help them get. A family. Read my friend's post and giveaway, then donate and you can be enetered to win a lot of neat prizes.  


Sunday, November 6, 2011

shouldnt every child have a FAMILY?

ever think about photography?
wish you had a REALLY nice camera? wish you could take better pictures of your kids and grandkids and dogs and cats? wish you didnt have to spend so much to have such a nice camera? well guess what! YOU have a chance to donate just 20 dollars to help bring a little boy home from Serbia. and in doing so YOU GET A CHANCE TO WIN AN AWESOME CAMERA KIT!!! camera, lens, bag, and more! go to
and donate so YOU can have a chance to win a Nikon D3100! kids sell wrapping paper for schools, and you could spend 20 bucks easily on school and sports fundraisers. you could spend 20 bucks easily buying a fancy coffee every day. but you really have a special opportunity here to spend $20 to give a boy a LIFE! and you could win an awesome camera for doing so! well? what are you waiting for? get on over and donate! lets get this little boy a chance at a real future in a family filled with love, instead of a cold sterile insititution where no one will love him as their own. 20 dollars people. thats all it takes. donate and you could win a camera! but if you dont you still win because you helped give a child the gift of a family! THAT is priceless.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

happy Thanksgiving

what are you thankful for?

now think about what an orphan has to be thankful for. good food and plenty of it? nope. loving family? nope. warm and nice clothes? nope.

Can you sit at your feast this afternoon, surrounded by your family, all dressed up and warm, and forget that there are so many children without all of that? No feast, maybe some thin broth. no family to spend the day with. its just another day for them. wake up, no one loves them. go through the day, no one loves them. go to bed, no one loves them. Cant you please donate a few dollars this thanksgiving to help an orphan find a home? All proceeds go DIRECTLY to reecesrainbow.org.

Reecesrainbow helps find homes for the children who are least likely to be adopted. They have downs syndrome or other special needs and face a future locked away in an institution never to know the love of a family. Wont you help a child find a home? Many people are willing to take in another child but cant afford the cost of international adoption. if everyone put in a dollar or two we could come up with enough money to help someone adopt a child who would likely go without a family forever. we could save the life of a child. once they go into an institution they will stay there until they die. can you look at your pie this afternoon and let a child die?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


what will wait under your tree when you wake on Christmas morn? Do you know what waits an orphan? nothing. Santa doesnt visit orphanages you know. My own children tell me that they never received presents for Christmas while in the orphanage. What could be a better gift this year than a home for a child who is deemed unadoptable in his or her home country? Can't you donate just one dollar this season towards a child getting a home? its what an orphan needs more than any pair of socks or toy you might send. help make an orphan someone's beloved child and no longer an orphan.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Imagine if you can

you are with your family. you are happy. or at the very least familiar. then all of a sudden you no longer have family, you are in a children's home. you do not see your Mama or Papa anymore. You dont know where they went or if they are coming back. You are scared. You now live with 10-20 other children with rotating caregivers. You never know what they expect of you. What makes one happy makes another angry. You really just wish you could go home. but your Mama doesnt come back. Maybe she is sick and died. Maybe she was neglectful and social services said she couldnt be your parent. You are a child though and no one tells you these things. You miss your siblings. your favorite dress. Your friends from school. now everything has changed. Many children withdraw as the pain is too much to bear. some children are able to cope better than others with this change. Now imagine after a long time of this life in an orphanage someone comes and visits you. they are kind and speak nice words to you. they want to be your Mama and Papa. They want you to be their special girl or special boy. Many families would willingly and capably take on another child but they just cant afford the adoption process and travel. Please make a difference in a child's life and donate to Reeces Rainbow other angels. all monies donated go directly to Reeces Rainbow.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

check back here for a giveaway

I will post a picture of some surprise something soon. Anyone who donates to Reeces Rainbow via the chip in on this site and leaves a note that they donated will get 1 chance to win for every dollar donated. SO come back soon and see what surprises I can come up with to raise some much needed dollars for some desperate children!